121-Year-Old Nile Crocodile

Meet Henry, the 121-Year-Old Nile Crocodile

Henry is a Nile crocodile who’s lived an incredible 121 years. Weighing 500 kilograms and stretching 5 meters long, he’s the oldest croc in captivity. At Crocworld Crocodile Conservation Center, Henry lives with six female companions and has fathered over 10,000 babies in the last 32 years.

In December, Crocworld celebrated Henry’s 121st birthday with cakes and treats for visitors. Photos from the event are on their website. Henry’s been at the center since 1985, joining as an adult at around 85 years old.


Photo Right to Original Owner


121-Year-Old Nile Crocodile
Photo Right to Original Owner


Photo Right to Original Owner


121-Year-Old Nile Crocodile
Photo Right to Original Owner


Photo Right to Original Owner

The Crocworld Conservation Center in Scottburgh offers plenty of activities during the holiday season. Guests enjoy snake shows, crocodile feeding, talks, vulture feeding, and forest forays every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.

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