How Much Does It Cost To Travel The World

How Much Does It Cost To Travel The World?

5 travel routes that you should do at least once in life, see spectacular places and give you budgets so that you realize that these trips are much more possible than we could have imagined.

The first trip that it cannot be missing in our lives, it is the one that is carried out by basic Europe and yes, perhaps on a little I applied places that everyone knows but of course there are some reasons that they are places that you have to see at least once.

Most Important Cities

On this route, I focus sole on and in 15 days because I think that is the time that many people can dedicate to Europe alone, of course this means that we do not have enough destinations to be able to visit everything that we would need in Europe and even in these countries.

We are visiting we are concentrating only on the most important cities but even so it ends up being an ideal route and that is why I needed to present it to you and for me I think it is the basic route and that you have to do it at least once in your life.

We present a summary is a 15-day route that begins in London and continues through Paris Amsterdam Rome Barcelona and ends in Madrid has a cost of approximately 1,400 Euros, that is, about 30 thousand pesos Mexicans to this we are already including accommodation, the main attractions and transportation between cities as well as food.

Set a Budget

However we are not in including the flight to get from our city and it can be quite variable but I would tell you that you can easily find flights between Mexico and these cities for about 15 thousand Mexican pesos or about 750 US dollars.

So with this you already have a idea should be added to the budget now the is budget is focused on travelers or those looking for accommodation in hostels that is to say that they are looking for something a little moderate especially in beds that are  in rooms.

If you a e not that type of traveler there you having to add a little more to the budget if we travel as a couple and we are going to share our private room with someone else and we are looking for a little more comfort.

A Budget of Two Thousand Euros

We could talk about a budget of two thousand Euros for the same route, which would be something like a little more of 42 thousand Mexican pesos so there they also have a parameter if your budget is not so cheap so we already have both alternatives for this trip all the details that are included.

How to get around what means of transport can be found. There you will find this route through Europe and others not so basic that may also be of interest to you I continue with another trip that I think you have to do it once in your life and

I am referring to India a country that you either love it or hate it all the travelers that have been there usually have a pretty extreme opinion about this place and I think the best thing if you are a true traveler is to go and you make your own impression so a few months ago I decided to make this trip and although it is a little longer.

Basic North India

Here I am going to propose a route only through the most basic north India and that concentrates three of the main destinations new Delhi the Indian capital and the place where you will normally arrive because it is the one with the main airport with those connections that can take you from super places r far away that are even found in America.

 That is why being the capital and a great entry point is a city that we can avoid from here the next point would be without a doubt Agra the city famous for having the TajMahal for which when you are in Indiana you cannot ignore.

It finally I would continue with jay through a city also located in the north of India and that shows us a slightly different face is the famous pink city of the north of India where we are going to find architecture museums and quite peculiar places that are worth including.

Route of Only 8 Days

The best thing about this route is that you can do it in a relatively short time, so we can talk about a route of only 8 days that connects these three cities. The best thing about this is not the time but the budget and it is that.

Here we can find for those who seek to save as much as possible from a budget to do all this that I described for only 157 American dollars something as well as 3 thousand Mexican pesos for 8 days and I am even including accommodation of course that this is in a hostel in a shared room and perhaps not in the best located.

If you are looking for a slightly more moderate budget but still Thus, looking for hostels and something a little more backpacker and adventurous, we could talk about a budget of 247 US dollars or about 5 thousand Mexican pesos, since we are more moderate, the budget rises to 357 US Dollars, which would be a little more than 7 thousand Mexican pesos.

A Trip to Japan

Finally if we are looking for much more comfort and luxury, we could do this route for about 920 US dollars today at about 18 thousand pesos with which we can see how extreme India can be in terms of the price range.

 I will break down the four budgets based on my experience for this route of eight days including for all the main activities moving from one city to another considering transportation such as the train in one of the first classes

We could also take a trip to Japan and this country is famous of being super expensive and yes it is definitely not cheap but if you know how to optimize it you can lower your budget a lot too n carrying out free activities and choosing only certain cities.

Cheaper Trip

You can save a lot and it is in this way that I managed to make a budget of 800 dollars or 16 thousand Mexican pesos to travel to Japan this trip I did and although if I went alone and I stayed in hostels or in capsule hotels that simply had the occupancy of one person and for which it was much more comfortable for someone like me.

It ended up being a trip that was much cheaper even so than what I had I take that away from them, it includes my budget, it is important to do it in the low season, as I did, avoiding this year the part of the Olympics, which can increase our costs a lot because the occupation is going to be much more in demand and therefore that can go up a lot.

A Budget Close To 850 US Dollars

The truth is that the rest of the food, attractions and transport will maintain their prices so it ends up being a great alternative my route nothing more was focused on Tokyo and in Osaka of course three cities that allow you to see a lot of this culture but where we still lack very important places.

I leave them as a basic route so that you can increase all those other cities that interested in Japanese, it ended with Dubai, a city in which you can dedicate in a week a budget close to 850 US dollars or about 17 thousand Mexican pesos.

A  trip in a week and I include this route because although I know that it is not a city that attracts the attention of all travelers, it is certainly one that has the idea that it is too expensive and therefore impossible to visit most of them.

Economic Budgets

However I have been in this city on more than one occasion and I have brought you videos where I show you step by step my experience and my budgets and which you can see that economic budgets are going to find a place in this city and it is that although they are not yet very popular we are already beginning to find hostels

Where there is suddenly a bed from 17 US dollars a budget much lower than in other cities popular in the world such as Vancouver or New York so although we have that idea that everything is very expensive.

A Trip to Dubai Costs

I know that many want to go to Dubai not in a backpacking plan but in a normal moderate plan where they look an accommodation of about 34 stars private rooms and I am focusing my budget on this type of traveler simply by sharing a room.

They can be surprised by the good prices they can find in this city and that is because there are four-star accommodation where we can find the room for two people breakfast included for less than 100 American dollars.

Why it is possible to pr Here is a budget for a week with all the main attractions included for only 841 US dollars and so you are wondering how much a trip to Dubai costs if we talk from Mexico City the flights are around one thousand US dollars or twenty thousand Mexican pesos with what which is perhaps not as expensive as.

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