Cornish Rex vs Devon Rex

Cornish Rex vs Devon Rex: A Comparison of Two Unique Breeds

When it comes to choosing a feline companion, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important is the breed of the cat. In this article, we will compare two popular and unique breeds, the Cornish Rex vs Devon Rex, based on their physical characteristics, personality and temperament, colouring, size, grooming and care, health and lifespan, and price and availability.

Physical Characteristics

Cornish Rex: These cats have soft, wavy fur that feels like lamb’s wool. They have a small, slender body with long legs and a long, narrow head. They have large ears that are set low on the head and almond-shaped eyes that are usually green or gold.

Devon Rex: These cats also have soft, curly fur that is shorter than the Cornish Rex’s fur. They have a similar body type, but their head is shorter and rounder. They have large ears that are set high on the head and large, round eyes that are usually green or gold.

Personality and Temperament

Cornish Rex: These cats are known for their playful and active personalities. They are intelligent and curious, and they love to explore their surroundings. They are also affectionate and enjoy cuddling with their owners.

Devon Rex: These cats are also playful and active, but they are more laid-back than the Cornish Rex. They are very people-oriented and love to be around their owners. They are also known for their loyalty and will follow their owners around the house.

Cornish Rex vs Devon Rex: Colouring

Cornish Rex: These cats come in a variety of colours and patterns, including solid colours, tabby, and tortoiseshell.

Devon Rex: These cats also come in a variety of colours and patterns, but they are known for their unique “mink” coat, which is a mix of two colours on each hair shaft.

Cornish Rex vs Devon Rex: Size

Cornish Rex: These cats are small to medium-sized, with an average weight of 6-10 pounds.

Devon Rex: These cats are also small to medium-sized, with an average weight of 5-10 pounds.

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Grooming and Care

Cornish Rex: These cats require regular grooming to maintain their soft, wavy fur. They also have a tendency to develop earwax buildup, so their ears should be cleaned regularly.

Devon Rex: These cats require less grooming than the Cornish Rex because their fur is shorter and less prone to matting. However, they also have a tendency to develop earwax buildup, so their ears should be cleaned regularly.

Health and Lifespan

Cornish Rex: These cats are generally healthy, but they may be prone to certain health issues, such as heart disease and respiratory problems. Their lifespan is around 12-15 years.

Devon Rex: These cats are also generally healthy, but they may be prone to certain health issues, such as dental problems and skin allergies. Their lifespan is around 10-15 years.

Price and Availability

Cornish Rex: These cats are fairly rare and may be difficult to find. They are also more expensive than some other breeds, with an average price of $800-$1,200.

Devon Rex: These cats are more readily available than the Cornish Rex and are usually less expensive, with an average price of $500-$800.


Both the Cornish Rex vs Devon Rex are unique and playful breeds with soft, curly fur and distinctive personalities. While they have some similarities, such as their small size and tendency to develop earwax buildup, they also have some differences in terms of their physical characteristics, personality and temperament, colour

3 responses to “Cornish Rex vs Devon Rex: A Comparison of Two Unique Breeds”

  1. […] Cornish Rex vs Devon Rex: A Comparison of Two Unique Breeds […]

  2. […] the world of feline companionship, choosing the perfect cat breed can be a daunting task. Potential pet owners often find themselves torn between the enchanting […]

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